MLM Gurus & Trainers

Here’s where you can rate MLM Gurus and Trainers.
There are some trainers and gurus that feed on the MLM distributors
mostly for their own profits as they can not or will not build their own downline
in an MLM Company. Vultures, Vampires, Leeches, Parasites, Fungus…
whatever you want to call them… they are smooth talkers,
show off how much money they make (from people,maybe like you),
and have an air of arrogance in relation to how much money they are worth
(reflected in their prices they charge you.

And then there are the really good ones.

Help others decide which ones are good or bad for the MLM business!

What do you know about Tim Sales?

(Tim is a top income earner as Distributor and known for "Brilliant Compensation".

What do you know about Big Al?

(Big Al is Tom Schreiter)

What do you know about Robert Kiyosaki?

(The author of Rich Dad Poor Dad and cash Flow Quadrant)

What do you know about Eric Worre?

(Eric is MLM trainer and runs Go Pro seminars)

What do you know about Ray Higdon?

(Ray is known for Rank Makers training)

What do you know about Jesse Lee Ward?

(She passed away in 2023)